口语·Express a personal preference 表达个人偏好

鲍勃·鲍曼(Bob Bowman)这个名字你可能比较陌生,但说起菲尔普斯你还会不知道吗?Bob就是菲鱼菲尔普斯的导师,见证了菲尔普斯从少年到人父的成长过程,也指导他成为了游泳史上最成功的的运动员之一,夺得了无数奖牌。Bob在接受电视台的采访时,主持人问他喜欢冒险还是求稳时,他是怎么回答的呢?

Chairman: What about risk? I mean a lot of people think the best way to be successful is slow and steady wins the race. Other people take Gambles, they take risk. What are you a fan of?

Bob: I’m definitely a fan of expanding your comfort zone, because no growth takes place in your comfort zone. So when you leave there, you’ll be uncomfortable-that’s when you’re gonna grow the most.


  • 表明态度 (我)选择冒险
  • 解释原因 (因为)舒适区不会进步
  • 举例/假设说明 (如果)离开舒适区会感到痛苦,但进步迅速

再来一个Bonus. 主持人提到鲍勃与菲尔普斯关系曾经起伏不定,现在又是怎么样的呢?

Chairman: You guys have famously had an up-and-down relationship over the years, I mean, obviously you’re a great team but there have been some strain times. How is it standing right now?


Bob: Oh, it’s never been better. / You know we have a new addition to the family boomer, he actually has my middle name, so it’s been very exciting. We’re very very close right now.
